Monday, July 30, 2012


July marks the 12th month and last of the healthy eating post series.
"In early Celtic literature the carrot was known as "honey underground", an apt analogy considering the carrot's wide use as a base-ingredient for cakes and puddings. The Irish make a sweet pudding of it and the Indians bake it in small, sweet cakes called gajar halva. It is part of the Jewish tzimmes, a rosh hashanah dish symbolizing gold coins and prosperity.
The carrot is a native of Afghanistan....
The ubiquitous carrot can vary in colour from red to yellow and even to translucent white. The best however , are rich orange and therefore contain a great amount of carotene, a substance which the human body converts to vitamin A....
There is, in fact truth in what has been described as the old wives' tale that carrots improve the eyesight."
Jack Forsyth's SCRUMPTIOUS TUCKER : Jack Forsyth

Carrot is a good source of Vitamin B and C. It is an excellent supplier of Vitamin A and calcium, low in fat and cholesterol free, low in salt and calories.
Cauliflower is a good source of Vitamin C and B, potassium and calcium. It is fat and cholesterol free, very low in salt and calories.
4 Carrots, 1 Cauliflower, 1 Red Onion, shredded Chicken, 3 cups of White Sauce, Paprika.
Boil water in a large pot, add cauliflower, carrots and onion to the pot - cook 10 mins. 
While cooking make 3 cups of white sauce from butter, flour and milk. Add the chicken to the sauce - this will take up most of the liquid of the sauce.
Lightly butter a large oven dish and when the vegetables are cooked, remove them from the pot and arrange them in the oven dish. Top with the white sauce with chicken. Sprinkle paprika over the top. Put into a 200*c oven and bake for 20mins.
So many people don't like/have never eaten brussels sprouts. If you are one of them, do try this recipe - and I hope you change your mind.
All my kids come back for second helping of these brussels sprouts.
Brussels sprouts originated in ------------- Brussels. When buying them look for the smaller ones as they have the best flavour. The bigger ones have a stronger taste.
Studies both in Japan and in Europe have found that brussels sprouts have anti-cancer properties. High levels of vitamin A,B and C are found in brussels sprouts, along with potassium, iron and fibre. They are cholesterol and fat free, low in salt and calories. 
Two to three brussels sprouts provide you with your daily requirements of vitamin C.
Brussels Sprouts - I cook 4 per adult, 1 Lemon, 2 Eggs - 1 per 2 people, 2 slices wholemeal bread, Olive Oil.
Peel off the outside layers of the brussels sprouts and cut a small slice off the bottom. Make 2 cuts into the base in cross formation - this helps to evenly cook the brussels sprouts through. Hard boil the eggs for 5 mins. Drain off the water and fill with cold water to cool the eggs. Drain off the water and shake the eggs in the pot to crack the shells. Peel and dice the eggs.
Dice the bread into small cubes.
Heat the pan for 1 minute and then add oil and heat a moment longer then add the diced bread and brown in the pan. Turn off heat.
Boil 2cm of water in a pot and when boiling add the brussels sprouts - lid on and cook for 5 mins. Remove them immediately and add to the pot with the bread - turn on the pot and add diced egg and the juice of 1 lemon - lid and shake, cooking only for 1 - 2mins. Serve and eat straight away.
THISWEEKWITHTHEKIDS ~ enjoy cooking and eating some healthy vegetables you don't normally eat.

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